Tiny Modes

Group Classes for our littlest stars and their grown ups.


Tiny Musicians

MMPA is happy to offer group classes for kiddos ages 0-4 years (suggested) with our Tiny Musicians program. We use both original tunes and the music of Caspar Babypants to encourage our littlest rockstars in singing, instrumentation, play and story time — all in one 45 min class!

Classes are offered Fridays and Saturdays from 10-10:45. Click on the Register Now button below to sign up today!

Tiny Dancers

In this group class, students ages 2-4 and their parents will be guided through creative movement exercises that stretch both body and imagination. Students will explore new ways to move, think, and play as they learn basic dance techniques and steps. This class is designed to encourage little ones to discover what their bodies can do through the art of movement and dance.

Class times coming soon!